So after 2 years of watching from the sidelines, with the occasional stint at judging and cooking for the giveaway, I had a feeling that Michael might decide this year he would probably step it up a notch. So it wasn't a huge surprise when a couple of weeks ago he announced that he would like to register to compete in the last chance red chili competition at the world championships in Charleston, WV. Rick had booked our hotel months ago and we already had our flights and car booked, so all that was left was our name, our logo, a few fun chili decorative items, and...oh right, a chili recipe!!!
In order to make it official, Michael had to join the International Chili Society - here's his official membership.
Next up was the logo, which is pretty much where I started with this blog - so scroll to the top, or to the bottom and you will see what we came up with. As of now the name is "Freddy Beach Chili Co", however Michael is still trying to come up with a catchy name for his actual red chili. All reasonable suggestions will be considered, so feel free to offer up your ideas.
Michael had a starter recipe compiled from Uncle Rick, along with ideas from past world winners that are posted in the ICS site. He then set about making a few pots for testing. I decided to take samples to 6 of the guys in the office and gave them questionaires to fill out for their feedback - all of which was very helpful in getting Michael to a final recipe that he's happy with and believes will compete with any on the world stage. We then had a mexican themed family dinner, which included 2 different pots to try as well. Here's a picture of my table prior to eating! (We had so much fun I forgot to take pics of us actually eating!!)
So now we are 4 days from heading out on the great chili adventure of 2012. We are driving to Bangor after work on Wednesday and fly out to Charleston early Thursday morning. There will be lots to do to prepare for Friday as we will only have spices with us - all fresh ingredients will have to be purchased when we get there.
It should be a crazy, fun and busy few days. Michael and Rick will be competing side by side on Friday in the last chance red chili competition. Wendy has entered the very first "homestyle" chili competition on Friday afternoon, as well the Salsa competition on Saturday. Rick, as previously mentioned, qualified early in the year for the Chile Verde cookoff on Saturday. So I guess we'll have to wait and see if the guys make it through to cook on Sunday in the big event!
Wish us luck! If nothing else - we've got the T-shirts!